Android Lollipop vs Android M – 9 Features of Android M

Google has announced new features of the upcoming Android M. These new features have made the operation of the Android M so simple. Dave Burke claims that the theme currently used to refer to the next version of the OS is “to improve the core user experience” of the Android. Burke is Google’s vice president for android. These Android M features were announced at the annual I/O developer conference. In this article, we are going to discuss these features and the roles they play.

Improvement on how apps communicate with each other: Currently, when a user clicks a link on Twitter, they are asked to choose between the Chrome browser and the official Twitter app, but this feature will enable the software to automatically verify which app is suitable to open the link. No announcements have been made so far about what happens if the users install third party Twitter apps and whether the new feature will give the users an opportunity to decide for themselves.
1.The Doze:
This feature has improved the standby battery time of the Android smart phones and the tablets. Burke said that it automatically shuts down the dormant apps to double the battery standby time.
2 – Adoption of the USB Type C connector:
This feature gives room for new standards for charging devices. The operating system provides the users with an option to choose whether they want to charge their devices or to charge another device using it. For example, the user can use an Android M tablet that has a USB Type C connector to charge a smart phone that runs on the same OS and vice versa.
3. Fingerprint scanner support:
This feature is also found in an iPhone with Touch ID and it enables the users to unlock phones and authenticate payments within apps by use of a fingerprint for security purposes and easements.
4. Android Pay:
It is located on the mobile payments front. The platform operates on NFC standard and enables the users to make payments within the apps or at the retail store. Even though Google Wallet was not mentioned, 700,000 retail chains within the US have already signed up to be part of the new platform. It enables the users to pay for things without opening an app in a simple and more secure way.
5. The Chrome Custom Tabs:
This feature enables the users to read online and it operates when apps have a dedicated Chrome Custom Tab button that when clicked, opens the Chrome browser within the app.
6. A browser window customized just like the app:
This feature can pull the requisite data from the Chrome browser, allowing the users to log into apps and fill forms. It will be released to users in the third quarter.
7. chrome Network Quality Estimator:
This feature detects weak internet connections and strips away contents like images for the page to load faster. The same thing happens on Apple’s Safari.
8. Apps permissions system:
This feature enables users to control the behavior of apps and how they use the features of the device. For example, users can revoke or modify the permissions to apps and select individual permission. For example the user can give Whats-app access to the contact list instead of giving it to the microphone.
9.  The small Android M features are; improved text selection, remembering most frequent contacts and apps, sharing data, bringing back data and volume stream control.

About the Author: Unknown

About Unknown : Beyond blogging and digital marketing , Unknown is an entrepreneur at heart who has made his hobby turned passion. Becoming a blogger, It was the most important part of his journey.
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