what is Metasploit

what is Metasploit?

Metasploit was developed by HD Moore as an open source project in 2003. Originally written in Perl, Metasploit was completely rewritten in Ruby in 2007. In 2009, it was purchased by Rapid7, an IT security company that also produces the vulnerability scanner Nexpose.
Metasploit is now in version 4.9.3, which is included in our Kali Linux. It's also built into BackTrack. For those of you using some other version of Linux or Unix (including Mac OS),
Metasploit now has multiple products, including Metasploit Pro (the full commercial version $30,000) and the Community edition that is built into Kali and remains free.

Ways to Use Metasploit
Metasploit can be accessed or used in multiple ways. The most common method, and the one I use, is the interactive Metasploit console. This is the one that is activated by typing msfconsole at the command line in Kali. There are several other methods as well.
Metasploit has six different types of modules. These are:
·        payloads
·        exploits
·        post
·        nops
·        auxiliary
·        encoders

Payloads are the code that we will leave behind on the hacked system. Some people call these listeners, rootkits, etc. In Metasploit, they are referred to as payloads. These payloads include command shells, Meterpreter, etc. The payloads can be staged, inline, NoNX (bypasses the No execute feature in some modern CPUs), PassiveX (bypasses restricted outbound firewall rules), and IPv6, among others.

Exploits are the shellcode that takes advantage of a vulnerability or flaw in the system. These are operating system specific and many times, service pack (SP) specific, service specific, port specific, and even application specific. They are classified by operating system, so a Windows exploit will not work in a Linux operating system and vice versa.
Post are modules that we can use post exploitation of the system.

Nops are short for No OPerationS. In x86 CPUs, it is usually indicated by the hex 0x90. It simply means "do nothing". This can be crucial in creating a buffer overflow. We can view the nops modules by using the show command.

msf > show nops
Auxiliary includes numerous modules (695) that don't fit into any of the other categories. These include such things are fuzzers, scanners, denial of service attacks, and more. Check out my article on auxiliary modules for more in-depth information for this module.

Encoders are modules that enable us to encode our payloads in various ways to get past AV an other security devices. We can see the encoders by typing:


About the Author: Unknown

About Unknown : Beyond blogging and digital marketing , Unknown is an entrepreneur at heart who has made his hobby turned passion. Becoming a blogger, It was the most important part of his journey.
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