SMS Spoofing using KALI (For Education Only)

The new Kali-Linux (BT6) comes with many advance and increasing features and one of its incredible feature is its SMS spoofing weapon. So today we will have fun with this feature and see how easily we can spoof SMS. This is an amazing and improved feature that has made many security professionals think. Anyone can easily spoof sms from various numbers and there is no chance to be caught. This feature is located in the SET (Social Engineering toolkit).

steps to follow:

> open terminal 

>type "setoolkit" (press enter)

>choose 1 (press enter)

>choose 7 (SMS Spoofing Attack Vector)(press enter)

>choose 1 (Perform a SMS Spoofing Attack)(press enter)

>choose 1  (SMS Attack Single Phone Number)

>enter your victims mobile name with country code (+919010XXXXXX)

>choose 2 (One-Time Use SMS)

>enter source phone number (anything you wish but with country code)

>enter body of the message (press cntrl+c to return back to set)

>then choose your service , I would like to choose 4th option (Android Emulator)

note: you must install android emulator in your KALI(mandatory)

>press enter (done)

this tutorial is just for your learning purpose, do not use these tricks in unethical way. Have fun!

Happy Hacking :)


About the Author: Unknown

About Unknown : Beyond blogging and digital marketing , Unknown is an entrepreneur at heart who has made his hobby turned passion. Becoming a blogger, It was the most important part of his journey.
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  1. it's not working anymore :P

  2. in version 6.3 amd 6.2 is not avalibe not working

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